The Conclave on Social Media Measurement Standards is dedicated to bringing unified standards to the measurement of social media.
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1. Content & Sourcing
Metric description and application:
The #SMMstandards Conclave published its first proposed interim standard in June at the European Measurement Summit hosted by AMEC in Dublin. The Sources & Methods Transparency Table (seen below) is designed specifically to address the challenges clients face in knowing what’s inside social media measurement reports from various agencies, research providers, and software vendors. The standardized table mirrors the “nutrition tables” used by many countries for easy comparison of calories, nutrition, and ingredients in food products.
Specifically, the table captures critical information about social media content sources and methods to provide full transparency and easy comparison across analyses: What content and channels are included? How is the data collected? How deep is the analysis? Are multiple languages captured? Via native-language queries? How are key metrics calculated for reach, engagement, influence, and opinion/advocacy? How is sentiment coded? How is irrelevant content (bots, spam blogs, etc.) filtered? What proprietary methods were used in the analysis? What search strings were used?
Published January 2013
Open for comment until Dec 31, 2013
Approved and adopted January 2014
Revised October 2014
Version, date, and author(s):
Version 1.0
Provided for public comment June 2012
Comments closed Dec 2012
Approved and published June, 2013
Authors: Tim Marklein, AMEC, and members of the #SMMstandards Conclave
Standards or guidelines:
Metric type:
Use table seen below. For a downloadable file click here: If you prefer a Word document click here